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Carl Randle

The Ultimate Guide to Getting an SIA Licence

If you want to be in the security industry in the United Kingdom, you need a Security Industry Authority licence, also known as an SIA licence. The process of getting an SIA licence will vary depending on the type of job you want to have because there’s a licence for each role.  Generally speaking, the […]

How to get a security job as a Door supervisor

So, you’re interested in a job as a door supervisor? The great news is that you can start training immediately! You can download our GuardPass app and receive instant access to hundreds of learning materials for free! Being a door supervisor is not about being The Rock, with rippling muscles and colossal stature. A joke […]

Journey of Joni with Get Licensed: Discovering the World of Security

Joni’s Security Career Path: The Door Supervisor Course Joni’s Journey with Get Licensed started by choosing the Door Supervisor course, which goes beyond just being a certification. Security field can be challenging but if you want to sustain and feel confident, you must gain the required knowledge and skills to sustain the field of security. […]

How to get a job in retail security

While all the major supermarkets and retailers are helping hard-pressed Brits budget with offers and deals, another group of ‘shoppers’ has the best deal of all.  Meet the shoplifters — the shopkeeper’s arch enemy.  Before the pandemic in 2019, the police prosecuted 374,395 shoplifting cases. However, many of these thieves consider themselves professional and rarely […]

Meet Rollo Davies – Security Industry Expert

Rollo Davies  F.ISRM  MSyI Rollo is a respected security industry professional who has achieved international recognition for his work to improve the security industry and the lives of the front-line men and women working within it. Background.  Leaving the Metropolitan Police Service in 1992 with his desire to protect people & property still intact, Rollo […]

Meet Shahzad Ali – CEO of Get Licensed

Shahzad Ali Shahzad Ali is an entrepreneur, widely recognised as the founder and CEO of Get Licensed, a leading security staffing and training platform. Shahzad founded Get Licensed in 2007 and has since grown the company significantly, serving as a significant leader in the private security industry across the UK. Get Licensed In 2007, recognising […]

Flexibility & Mobility Security Training

As a security professional in the UK, you are constantly dealing with distress calls and emergencies and ensuring that you handle disruptive activities quickly and appropriately. You are also patrolling premises and keeping track of all incidences on site to ensure security is maintained. This requires flexibility and mobility, which will help you perform physical […]

Strength Training for Security Pros

Choosing to become a security professional in the UK comes with particular demands. Before anything else, you’ll need to increase your physical strength. This is necessary to meet the job’s demands. To do this, start adding strength training exercises to your regular fitness routine. That will help you bring up your strength, endurance and resilience […]

Fitness Tips for Security Professionals

Being a security guard requires you to be physically fit. You are likely to be on your feet all day, often patrolling, and you need a good endurance level. The job requires you to react at a moment’s notice and be agile. To help you stay in peak shape, incorporating a fitness routine is important […]

Healthy Eating Guide for Security Career

It’s no walk in the park being a security officer! The job requires you to be on your feet, often patrolling, sometimes in cold or hot weather, and you have to stay mentally alert at all times. To do that, you need to be physically fit and healthy. And as the old saying goes, we […]

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