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Home Security Is a Career in Security Right for You?
Is a Career in Security Right for You?

Is a Career in Security Right for You?


What is Security?

There are a huge variety of front line security roles. Retail security officers to dog handlers. Door supervisors to alarm response officers. Corporate security receptionist to factory gatehouse officers, and many many more. Security is required somewhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year, so whatever hours you want or need to work, there will be something to fit the bill.

Please be warned though. If you think that any position in the security industry is an easy way to make money, then you want to look for a different industry.

Security is fundamentally all about the protection of people and property. The amount of responsibility that may be placed on your shoulders is astronomical. Security Officers can be given duties that may place the safety and well being of staff, visitors, and members of the public, firmly in their hands. Add to this the fact that the safety and security of millions of pounds worth of buildings and property may be down to you, and any mistake or failure to do your duty properly, may mean the collapse of the business that you are employed to protect, and you would rightly expect to be massively rewarded for your work. Sadly, this is rarely the case.

Who makes a good Security Officer?

Firstly you need to fully appreciate the importance of your work. The responsibility I mentioned earlier is very real, but unless you know why you are doing what you are asked to do, it can be easy to become blasé about it. This will inevitably lead to cutting corners, and you can absolutely guarantee that when this starts to happen, there will be an incident or issue that you failed to deal with, or missed completely, and as happens way too often in our industry, you’ll find yourself moved to a new site, or simply sacked for dereliction of duty. You were warned.

The type of person you are will dictate the type of security job that will be best for you. If you are a “people person” and like interaction, then maybe a security reception role, or even a door supervisor’s job at licensed premises. If you are a night owl and like to work alone, then as long as you have the self discipline to get the job done unsupervised, alarm response, or out of hours security in offices, factories, warehouses, or a variety of other closed buildings, may be for you.

Be proud of what you do!

Whatever path you take within the security industry, just by doing your job diligently and professionally, you are keeping people safe, and protecting property. If you do a good job, and always have your responsibility in the back of your mind, then you can look at yourself in the mirror at the end of every shift and know that what you are doing, as a professional Security Officer, is important, decent, and a thoroughly honourable way to make a living. When you rightly appreciate the importance of what you do, and are justly proud of your work, it tends to show and get noticed by employers and clients alike.

When “nothing happens” during a shift, don’t feel that it was boring or uneventful. Realise that there were no problems because your presence, or actions, prevented them! Changing your mindset massively elevates your job satisfaction and professional outlook.

The proactive approach to work

Whenever you patrol a site, check on an assignment, or work on a door, start with the attitude that there is always some sort of issue, and you need to find and identify it, report it, and if possible, minimise any problem that may be caused as a result. You will find so many problems if you are actively looking for them, not just walking around a site making sure doors are locked and nothing is on fire! This proactive approach is always noticed and appreciated by clients.

Where can it lead?

Some people are happy to remain in a front line role that they enjoy. I respect this completely. Others want to progress and carve out a career within the industry. You will tend to find that many of the very best senior security industry leaders were once front line Officers. The skills, insights and understanding of the work, that can only be gained by doing it, are invaluable. Success and promotion within the sector, rarely comes to those that do not actively make things happen, however. 

As in so many aspects of life, you tend to get back, what you are prepared to put in. Go the extra mile to assist a client. Get additional relevant training (Take a look at the huge library of e-learning that Get Licensed can supply: https://www.get-licensed.co.uk/e-learning ). Find ways to assist your company’s operations management. This sort of thing will get you noticed for the very best reasons, and the good impression you make, will open doors and create opportunities for you.

So is front line security work for you?

If you want a meaningful job, and understand the importance of any role within the protection industry, you are half way there.

There is a huge variety of different roles to consider, all with varying challenges, and requiring diverse skill sets. Whatever security path you choose, you must::

  • Be observant.
  • Have great communication skills.
  • Be reliable.
  • Be honest and trustworthy.
  • Be smart and professional.
  • Be empathetic and an active listener.

We have all encountered lazy, scruffy, unhelpful or officious security guards.
Be the helpful, smart, polite and professional Security Officer, that people walk away from smiling. Only you know if you fit the bill. 

How to Apply for Security Jobs

GuardPass is your gateway to security job opportunities across the UK. If you hold an SIA licence, setting up an account on GuardPass is a breeze, allowing you to browse numerous security job vacancies in the UK. Security employers in search of qualified guards can connect with you directly on the platform. To kickstart your career in security, complete the necessary security training and obtain your SIA licence by passing the exam. This is your first step towards a fulfilling career in the security sector. 

Start your career now with our courses! Click here to begin.


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