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Home Behind The Licence Advancing Your Security Career: The Power of Adding an SIA CCTV Operator Licence
Advancing Your Security Career: The Power of Adding an SIA CCTV Operator Licence

Advancing Your Security Career: The Power of Adding an SIA CCTV Operator Licence


If you’ve been working diligently with an SIA Security Officer Licence or an SIA Door Supervisor Licence, upgrading your skills with an SIA CCTV Operator Licence could be your gateway to managerial roles. Let’s delve into how this addition can significantly enhance your career trajectory.

Why get your SIA CCTV Licence?

1. Broadening Your Skill Set:

Acquiring an SIA CCTV Operator Licence is more than just learning a new skill; it’s about diversifying your capabilities in the security field. With this licence, you’re not just on the ground; you’re also mastering surveillance techniques, gaining a comprehensive view of security operations. This broader perspective is invaluable for managerial roles, where overseeing various aspects of security is essential.

2. Demonstrating Commitment to the Industry:

When you pursue an additional licence, you’re showing a deep commitment to your profession. It indicates your willingness to go above and beyond, a trait that’s highly admired in leadership positions. This commitment reflects your dedication to staying current and relevant in a dynamic industry.

3. Enhanced Understanding of Security Operations:

Managing a team requires a well-rounded understanding of all facets of security operations. With an SIA CCTV Operator Licence, you gain insights into the technological and surveillance side of security, complementing your on-the-ground experience. This comprehensive knowledge equips you to make more informed decisions, strategise effectively, and lead with confidence.

4. Better Team Management:

As a manager, you’ll be responsible for guiding a team, and understanding their roles and challenges is crucial. With experience in both physical and surveillance security, you can relate to your team’s experiences, lead with empathy, and offer practical, informed advice. Your dual expertise allows you to bridge the gap between different roles within your team, fostering a cohesive and efficient work environment.

5. Staying Ahead in a Competitive Field:

The security industry is evolving, and so are the skills required to excel in it. By adding an SIA CCTV Operator Licence to your repertoire, you set yourself apart in the job market. This additional qualification can be the deciding factor in landing a coveted managerial role, as it showcases your versatility and readiness to handle diverse responsibilities.

What to expect on the CCTV Training Course

  • The SIA CCTV Operator course offered by Get Licensed is a comprehensive program designed to fit into your schedule. Spanning three days, it offers the flexibility of home learning or traditional classroom education. Opt for the at-home option, and you’ll spend two days in an online course, followed by a necessary visit to a classroom for exams and practical assessment. This blend of online and in-person learning caters to modern learning preferences while ensuring the practical skills are thoroughly assessed.

Course Breakdown:

The course is divided into three units, each targeting a key area of CCTV operation:

  • Working in the Private Security Industry: This unit lays the foundational knowledge required for a career in private security, focusing on the legal and professional standards.
  • Working as a CCTV Operator: Here, you delve into the specific roles and responsibilities of a CCTV operator, gaining insights into the day-to-day tasks and challenges of the role.
  • Practical Use of CCTV Systems: The most hands-on segment of the course, this unit focuses on the actual operation of CCTV equipment, ensuring you’re not just theoretically knowledgeable but also practically proficient.

Assessment and Certification:

To obtain your licence, you must pass two multiple-choice exams and a practical assessment. These evaluations are designed to test your understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of CCTV operation, ensuring you’re fully prepared for real-world applications.

The Benefits of Additional Qualifications

Adding an SIA CCTV Operator Licence to your credentials demonstrates your commitment to your career in the security industry. It shows potential employers your willingness to continuously learn and adapt, qualities that are essential for managerial roles. Moreover, this comprehensive understanding of both physical and surveillance security enhances your ability to manage a team effectively and make informed decisions.


In summary, obtaining your SIA CCTV Operator Licence is a strategic move for anyone looking to progress in the private security industry, especially for those already holding an SIA Security Officer or Door Supervisor Licence. It’s an investment in your future, demonstrating your commitment, expanding your knowledge, and positioning you perfectly for leadership roles. Embrace this opportunity to grow and lead in the security sector!

Remember, your journey towards career advancement is a testament to your dedication and hard work. We’re here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need guidance on starting this exciting new chapter in your professional life, feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you for reading, and here’s to your continued success in the security industry!

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