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Carl Randle

Top Tips for Security Professionals at Fan Zones During Euros 2024

As the excitement for the Euro 2024 builds, fan zones across the UK are set to become lively hubs of activity. For security professionals, this presents both an opportunity and a challenge. Ensuring the safety and enjoyment of thousands of passionate fans requires vigilance, preparation, and adaptability.  Here are the essential tips for security personnel […]

5 Essential Skills Every Security Professional Must Master

Embarking on a career in security is not just about being alert. It’s a skillful art that demands a range of abilities. Whether you’re aspiring to become a door supervisor, a security officer, or a CCTV operator, mastering certain key skills is crucial. Let’s unpack these skills, shall we? Situational Awareness Situational Awareness: The Art […]

Assault On Retail Workers Now A Criminal Offence

The UK government has just stepped up big time for retail workers. They’re making assaults against our hard-working shop staff a standalone criminal offence. It’s a game-changer, and here’s why. What’s Changing? Remember hearing about that scary rise in attacks on shop workers last year? Well, the government’s not having it anymore. If someone’s mean […]

Embracing Inclusivity in the Security Industry

Inclusivity within the security industry, particularly for security professionals with disabilities, involves making reasonable adjustments. These adjustments are essential to ensure that workers with disabilities are not substantially disadvantaged when doing their jobs. This applies to all workers, including trainees, apprentices, contract workers, and business partners. What is a Reasonable Adjustment? Reasonable adjustments can vary […]

UK Firearm Report

The UK currently holds some of the strictest control measures in the world regarding the general public’s access to firearms. However, this shouldn’t be overlooked during security guard training, as almost 6,000 crimes involved the use of firearms between 2022 and 2023. But just how common are firearms in the UK? We’ve delved into various […]

UK Crime Capitals

Despite efforts from the government to make the UK a safer place, crime remains an ever-present part of society. More than six million crimes were reported between June 2022 and June 2023, emphasising the importance of SIA security licence holders. Some areas of the UK are more dangerous than others. That’s why we’ve looked at […]

New Year, New Career: Stepping Into Security In 2024

Welcome to 2024, a year brimming with new opportunities! It’s the perfect time to reinvent yourself, and what better way to do so than by launching a rewarding career in security? Whether you’re considering becoming a door supervisor, a security guard, or a CCTV operator, this could be your year to shine in a new […]

Learn Free Basic First Aid Online

We have created this high-quality training to help you gain sufficient awareness of first aid – you never know when you may need to use first aid skills in a potentially life-threatening situation. TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intro1:08 What is First Aid?2:46 First Aid Kit4:22 Primary Survey6:41 Recovery Position10:07 Second Survey11:20 Resuscitation (CPR)16:51 Automated External Defibrillator (AED)21:41 Non-Breathing Casualty23:23 Chain of Survival24:50 Child […]

Crime On London Public Transport Is On The Rise

At Get Licensed, we are committed to keeping you informed and empowered, especially when it comes to your safety on public transport. Recent data from Transport for London (TfL) has revealed a worrying increase in crime rates on the London Underground in 2023. This post aims to break down these statistics, providing you with the […]

Addressing the Rise of Trafficked Shoplifters in the UK

Understanding the Problem A recent BBC report has brought to light a serious issue in the UK: Eastern European crime groups are using vulnerable women and children to shoplift. This problem is widespread, affecting cities like Scotland, London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Darlington. The Scale of the Issue In Scotland alone, a gang with 154 members […]

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