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Home Career Advice Why every security professional needs EFAW certification?
Why every security professional needs EFAW certification?

Why every security professional needs EFAW certification?


Imagine being the person who springs into action when a colleague suddenly collapses at work, potentially saving their life. What if you could gain the skills to confidently respond to such emergencies in just one day? Welcome to the world of Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Certification Training, where you not only enhance your career but also become a lifeline in times of crisis. In this blog, we’ll unveil why EFAW certification is an absolute must for security professionals.

EFAW certification – Your key to success:

Be a Lifesaver: Let’s face it, life can be unpredictable, and emergencies can happen anywhere, including your workplace. EFAW training equips you with the skills to respond effectively when seconds count. From dealing with a choking colleague to providing CPR to a heart attack victim, you’ll be the person everyone turns to in times of crisis.

Boost Your Career: It’s a tough world out there, especially in the security industry. Employers are constantly on the lookout for professionals who bring more to the table. With EFAW certification, you become a valuable asset. You’re not just a security guard; you’re a security guard with the knowledge and skills to handle medical emergencies.

Quick & Convenient: We get it; your time is precious. That’s why our EFAW course is designed to fit into your busy schedule. You can complete the course in just one day. That’s right, in just a single day, you’ll gain life-saving skills that could make all the difference when you’re on duty.

So, what’s in it for you? Why should you consider EFAW certification as an essential part of your security career?

What does EFAW mean?

EFAW stands for Emergency First Aid at Work. Certification goes beyond the basics of first aid. It’s about being prepared to respond effectively to medical emergencies in the workplace. Picture this: a colleague collapses, and you’re the first person on the scene. With EFAW training, you’ll know exactly what to do. You’ll assess the situation, provide immediate care, and call for help if needed. It’s about being a workplace hero.

The 7 steps of first aid:

You might be wondering what exactly you’ll learn in an EFAW course. One of the fundamental aspects is the 7 steps of first aid. We’ll keep it simple. These steps are all about what you need to do when you’re the first responder:

  • Assess the Situation: Take a deep breath, stay calm, and evaluate the situation. Is it safe for you to approach the person in need of help?
  • Call for Help: Don’t try to be a superhero. If the situation is serious, dial those emergency numbers. Time is of the essence.
  • Check for Breathing: Ensure the person is breathing. If not, you might need to perform CPR.
  • Administer CPR: If the person is not breathing, begin CPR. We’ll teach you how to do it effectively.
  • Stop the Bleeding: If there’s bleeding, your job is to stop it. Simple, right?
  • Treat for Shock: Shock can be a silent killer. Learn how to recognise it and provide the necessary care.
  • Comfort and Support: Sometimes, just being there and offering reassurance can make a world of difference.

What is the EFAW first aid program?

EFAW is not a typical ordinary first aid program. It’s tailored to meet the specific needs of workplaces. You’ll learn how to manage emergency health and safety, understand first aid regulations, and provide effective communication and casualty care. We’ll delve into head injuries, poisoning, bleeding (both minor and severe), resuscitation, CPR, seizures, burns, scalds, severe allergic reactions, and chest pains, including heart attacks and shock. No fancy terminology, just practical skills that could save lives.

The 3 P’s of first aid according to St John’s ambulance:

St John’s Ambulance has a simple way to remember the basics of first aid: the 3 P’s.

  • Preserve Life: Your first priority is to preserve life. Do what you can to keep the person alive and stable.
  • Prevent Deterioration: Don’t just stop at preserving life; aim to prevent the situation from getting worse. Provide care that prevents further harm.
  • Promote Recovery: Finally, your goal is to promote recovery. This means offering the right care to help the person get better.

Why you should get the first aid at work certificate:

First aid at work courses provide valuable skills helpful in emergency situations, potentially saving lives and improving recovery outcomes. In security workplaces, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees have access to first aid treatment. Having certified First Aiders on staff can fulfil this requirement and create a safer work environment for all. In some cases, obtaining a First Aid at Work certificate is mandatory by HSE (Health and Safety Executive) risk assessment.

Now, let’s get real and see how emergency first aid training has transformed ordinary employees into workplace heroes:

  • In 2019, a security guard at a concert hall saved the life of a patron who had collapsed from a heart attack. The security guard was trained in first aid and was able to perform CPR until paramedics arrived.
  • In 2020, a security guard at a bank saved the life of a customer who had been shot during a robbery. He controlled the customer’s bleeding until paramedics arrived.
  • In 2021, a security guard at a school saved the life of a student who had choked on a piece of food. He performed the Heimlich manoeuvre to dislodge the food.

Your journey to becoming a hero in a time of need starts with EFAW certification. Whether in retail, corporate security, or events, the skills you gain can save lives and transform you into an invaluable asset. Don’t hesitate; your career and the lives you could save are waiting. Book your EFAW course today!

Don’t just react—be prepared to save lives. Join us and unlock SIA expertise with emergency first aid training for security roles. Gain essential first-aid skills and boost your employability in the security sector. Excel in diverse roles across retail, corporate, and events.

Remember, in the world of security, it’s not just about securing premises; it’s about securing lives. EFAW certification is your ticket to being that hero in a time of need.

So, are you ready to take the next step in your security career? EFAW certification awaits, and so do the lives you could save. Don’t wait; book your course today!

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