Home Michelle Harold-Brown

Michelle Harold-Brown

10 Key Steps For Dealing With An Emergency Situation

As a security operative you will naturally have been taught how to pre-empt and prevent incidents before they escalate to broader conflicts. In the same vein, you must also be prepared for workplace emergencies of varying degrees at any given time. The term ‘emergency’ is broadly described as a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation […]

The Top 5 Types Of Security Workplace Hazards

Your employer has a ‘duty of care’ to ensure, as far as possible, your health, safety and welfare while you’re at work. In order to identify potential health and safety hazards in the workplace, it is imperative that a risk assessment is conducted and recorded for future reference. A hazard is typically defined as a […]

6 Steps For Dealing With An Unresponsive Casualties

Unconsciousness is a state which occurs when the ability to maintain an awareness of self and environment is lost, involving a complete or near-complete lack of responsiveness to people and other environmental stimuli. It can last anywhere from a few seconds (e.g. fainting), or for longer periods of time, and is often caused by serious illness or […]

Effective Communication in Security

Communication: the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. Of all the qualities that a security operative must possess, effective communication is hands down one of the most important. Not only is it a common requirement found in pretty much every job description, it is the basic building block of […]

Malpractice Within the Security Industry – How Do You Know You’re Safe?

The Security Industry has come to the forefront of the public eye once again following a BBC investigation which has exposed training providers engaging in fraudulent activity and malpractice. Unfortunately, the prevalence of fraud and malpractice is very widespread within the industry. Whilst Get Licensed, nor any of our training providers have no affiliation the […]

5 Tips To Identify And Stop Shoplifters During The Festive Season

With the festive holidays approaching, much pressure will be put on the retail sector to tighten up its security measures in an approach to deter shoplifters. Whilst shoplifters operate at any time of year, the research identifies that up to 80% of a whole years shoplifting takes place in the run up to the festive […]

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