Home Door Supervisor All You Need To Know About Reasonable Force
All You Need To Know About Reasonable Force

All You Need To Know About Reasonable Force


Working in security means that you are responsible for keeping people safe from whatever may happen. Having an understanding of the law around working in security or as a Door Supervisor can help you make the right decisions is stressful situations.

An important part of the law in security work is self defence and reasonable force. But what is reasonable force? Knowing what you can and can’t do is important, and gives you confidence to go about your work.

What is self defence?

The definition of self-defence comes common law and the Criminal Law Act of 1967. These set out the doctrine that a person can use reasonable force in the defence of themselves or someone else.

What is Reasonable force?

So what is reasonable force?  For a Door Supervisor this means that if, whilst you are carrying out your duties, you came across someone attacking someone else you could use force to stop the attack. If whilst stopping the attack they then attempted to assault you you would be able to use force to protect yourself.

This is counts as reasonable force as it is an active intervention to stop someone getting hurt. The claim of self-defence hinges on the fact that you did not want to fight and the force used was not over the top. An unreasonable use of force would be expelling a customer from a venue, or premises, and then continuing to use force. This force would be seen as not reasonable and you could be prosecuted.

Necessary force

When assessing whether the force used was reasonable it will also be taken in to account whether the force was necessary. This is not an objective decision by someone well away from the situation but takes in to account whether at the time you believed it was necessary to use force. It can’t be an objective decision after but does take in to account how you were feeling in the heat of the moment.

Pre-emptive force

A common view of self defence is that you have to be attacked first. This however isn’t the case as the law allows the pre-emptive use of force if you believe you, or someone else, are going to be attacked. As self defence isn’t waiting to be hurt you are allowed to protect yourself before you are hurt.

If you have to use force there are some questions that are likely to be asked of your actions:

  1. Was there a need for the use of force?

  2. Was the force reasonable?

  3. What was their size and build compared to yours?

  4. When did you stop using force?

  5. Was the force malicious?

These questions can help shape your decision making regarding what is reasonable force. This will help you make the right calls in dangerous situations.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Working in security and especially busy environments takes great decision making skills. The ability to think on your feet and act often stops damage and people getting hurt. Having a knowledge of the limitations of reasonable force and what is expected from you in a professional capacity can help shape your decision making.

The National Decision Model used by the Police helps give those that may be  confronted with potentially dangerous situations a framework to base their decision making on.

This models allows a situation to be viewed with a level-head and decisions to be made well. Notice that the last step is a review stage. Looking back on your actions helps inform your decision making for the next time.

The Door Supervisor training course gives you valuable training in both conflict resolution and the management of potentially hostile situations. The course will also give you a framework to work within to ensure that your actions are compliant with the law.

How to work in the security sector

If you are interested in working in the security sector, whether it be as a Door Supervisor, Security Guard or CCTV Operative, you will need to obtain a SIA Licence.

To obtain a SIA Licence, you will need to complete a course. Once you have completed the course, will you then be able to apply for an SIA Licence and work in the security sector.

Looking for jobs?

Are you looking for a job? Find exciting opportunities on the GuardPass app. All you need to do is enter your area or your preferred job title to find your next big break!

The GuardPass App is available for download on the Apple App Store or on the Google Play Store.

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