Voted #1 for Security Training - Excellent 30,752 reviews on Trustpilot

WITH CCTV Operator Training

The CCTV Operator course opens up opportunities to work in CCTV control rooms within businesses, shopping malls, airports, and local councils. Earn up to £5,000 per month when working full-time.

Guaranteed Success: Unlimited exam retakes till you pass
Fast-Track Results: Get your results within 7 working days
Exclusive App: Access e-learning, mock exams, and jobs
Risk-Free Promise: Get a full refund if the course is not right for you
Nationwide Locations: Learn anywhere with 85+ UK centres

How is the course delivered?

Virtual: Attend two days of classes online and then sit the exam physically at a centre near you.

In-class: Join the course and the exam physically at a center near you.

Secure your SIA Licence and elevate your career potential now

Course Name

CCTV Training

3 days
£219.99 Incl. VAT
Earning Potential
Up to £20 per hour
Mandatory Requirement For
SIA CCTV Licence
Age Requirement
18+ years

Train now, pay later

Book now and pay in instalments ranging from 6 weeks to 3 months. No interest, no hidden fee!