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Basic Handcuff Training in Bristol

The Handcuff Training Course provides individuals with a basic Introduction to Handcuffing and Physical Intervention.

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Course Name

Basic Handcuff

1 day course
£89.99 Incl. VAT
Mandatory Requirement For
Basic Handcuff
Age Requirement
18+ years

Course Units
  • Identification of handcuffs
  • Loading of handcuffs
  • The powers of arrest
  • Applying handcuffs
  • Types of positions
  • Passive handcuff
  • Excited delirium
Practical assessment
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What is covered on this course? 

1. Identification of handcuffs
2. Loading of Handcuffs
3. Powers of arrest
4. Applying Handcuffs
5. Types of positions
6. Handcuff - Passive
7. Handcuff - Active
8. Positional Asphyxia
9. Excited Delirium

By the end of this course you will be able to:

1. Understand the primary reason for handcuffing.
2. Understand the law, including compliance with: Section 3 (1) of the Criminal Law Act 1967, Common Law, Section 117 PACE and Articles 5, 3 and 2 of the Human Rights Act 1998.
3. Understand the medical implications of handcuffing, including positional asphyxia.
4. Demonstrate how to apply handcuffs to a passive subject.
5. Demonstrate how to apply handcuffs to an aggressive subject.
6. Demonstrate how to remove handcuffs correctly.

Is it legal for security officers to use handcuffs?

Being in possession and the use of handcuffs, providing their intended use is for lawful purposes is perfectly legal. Handcuffs are not an offensive weapon nor are they prohibited in any way. Many areas of the UK encourage the lawful use of handcuffs sanctioned by local police forces; in some cases training is also provided by the local law enforcement teams. Handcuffing is regarded as a preferable restraint as opposed to group restraint tactics which can pose a threat to the welfare of the person being restrained particularly positional asphyxia. When applying handcuffs the subject should be sitting back on their feet and the restraints should be applied within 30 seconds, the suspect should only be placed in the recovery position as a last resort. There are three main reasons for handcuffing as laid out by law and all Company Health and Policies, SAFETY being the main component
1. Safety of the public
2. Your own safety
3. The suspects safety

When should handcuffs be used?

1. To prevent a violent offender from assaulting or injuring you or a member of the public.
2. When you judge it necessary to prevent the offender's escape from the scene.
3. During the transportation of the offender either by vehicle or during restrained escorting duties.
4. As a prevention tactic to stop the offender from harming themselves, you or members of the public.

Officer may employ the use of handcuffs on reasonable grounds when:

1. The offender is likely to commit an act of violence against the arresting officer/s or bystanders.
2. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that the offender is likely to escape custody. The term 'Reasonable Grounds' is defined by the circumstances of individual cases applied as an objective rule based on the decision that the offender is likely to commit an act of violence or will attempt to escape. In the case of juveniles, women or the elderly the consideration of reasonable grounds and exceptional circumstances should be carefully applied.

The justified use of handcuffs is governed by Section 3 of the Criminal Law act which clearly states:

A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in prevention of a crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large.

Common Law and use of Force In the UK the use of force on an individual is considered unlawful unless the following circumstances prevail:

1. As an act of self defence
2. To save a life
3. Lawful arrest is the only option
4. The prevention of a crime or further criminal acts
5. Preventing an intended Breach of the Peace

Justified use of restraint

1. Force used in any confrontation MUST be seen as REASONABLE based on the likelihood of the suspect's resistance.
2. Other options to calm the situation have failed.
3. When a potentially volatile situation provides no further option.
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