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Door Supervisor Training in Telford

Get your SIA licence and start working in Telford.

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Watch Course Overview

Course Name

Door Supervisor

6 days
£229.99 Incl. VAT
Earning Potential
Up to £23 per hour
Mandatory Requirement For
SIA Door Supervisor Licence
Age Requirement
18+ years

Course Units
  • Principles of Working in The Private Security Industry
  • Principles of Working as a Door Supervisor
  • Application of Conflict Management for The Private Security Industry
  • Application of Physical Intervention in the Private Security Industry
4 multiple choice exams and various physical assessments
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About Door Supervisor Training Course in Telford

Sample Lesson

Wondering what you will learn on the course? Watch expert trainer and SIA course intructor Anthony Milner talk you through the Health & Safety part of the SIA course.

The SIA Door Supervisor course runs over six days, divided into four units.

On the final day of the course, there will be four multiple-choice exams and a practical assessment of the physical intervention skills.


What will I learn on the SIA Door Supervisor Training course in Telford?


Unit 1 - Working in the Private Security Industry

  • Chapter 1: The Characteristics and Purposes of the Private Security Industry
  • Chapter 2: Legislation Awareness
  • Chapter 3: Arrest Procedures 
  • Chapter 4: Health and Safety
  • Chapter 5: Fire Awareness
  • Chapter 6: Emergencies
  • Chapter 7: Communication
  • Chapter 8: Record Keeping
  • Chapter 9: Terror threats and the role of the Security Operative
  • Chapter 10: Keeping vulnerable people safe 
  • Chapter 11: Post incident management


Unit 2 - Working as a Door Supervisor within the Private Security Industry 

  • Chapter 1: Understanding Crimes Relevant to Door Supervision
  • Chapter 2: Searching
  • Chapter 3: Drug Awareness
  • Chapter 4: Preservation of Evidence
  • Chapter 5: Licensing Law Relevant to the Door Supervisor
  • Chapter 6: Queue management and venue capacity responsibilities relevant to a Door Supervisor.
  • Chapter 7: Equipment Relevant to a Door Supervisor


Unit 3 - Conflict Management within the Private Security Industry 

  • Chapter 1: The principles of conflict management
  • Chapter 2: Recognising Risks In Conflict Situations
  • Chapter 3: Problem Solving Techniques
  • Chapter 4: Using Communication to help Resolve Conflict


Unit 4 - Physical Intervention Skills within the Private Security Industry 


We understand that examinations can be daunting but don't worry. Everything you need to know for the examination is covered during the Door Supervisor course and your expert instructor will fully prepare you for success in the tests.


How to get to your training venue at Telford

One of the most convenient methods to get you close to Telford Hotel And Golf Resort is by train. Some of the stations that get you close to the venue include:

Telford Central Train Station
Overdale, Telford TF3 4LZ

Bridgenorth Train Station
Telford TF2 6AG

Oakengates Train Station
2 Hollybush Rd, Bridgnorth WV16 4AX

The train station we would recommend you choose is the Telford Central Train Station. Arriving at this station will get you approximately 5.5 miles from the training venue. To cover that distance, you can either take a taxi or bus. With a taxi, you will need only 10 minutes to get to the venue.

If you'd prefer a bus, then you'll need to set aside at least an hour more to commute to the venue. From Telford Central train station, you'll walk about 0.2 miles to get to the Telford Central bus stop. Take a bus number 4 that's headed to Madeley. You'll pass 23 stops before getting off at St Mary's Church. From there, you'll need to walk for about 30 minutes to get to your training venue.


If you prefer to drive yourself to the venue and you're wondering about where you'll park, don't. For starters, the training venue itself offers complimentary parking to guests. If you are heading to Telford for lunch, these are some popular options:

Overflow Carpark
Hanover Ct, Telford TF7 5AU

Legges Way Car Park, Madeley
Legges Way, Telford TF7 5UD

Telford Central Car Park
Euston Way, Overdale, Telford TF3 4LZ


Telford has a Walk Score of 33/100, meaning there aren’t many places in easy reach. So, if you'd like to explore the area for shopping malls, parks, or even to buy groceries, you'll need to use a car.


You could choose to stay at the training venue in Telford. Its facilities include a bar and lounge area, free parking and Wi-Fi, as well as access to the venue's pool and fitness centre.

However, there are plenty of other cheaper options available in the area close to the venue like The Shakespeare Inn at High St, Coalport, Telford TF8 7HT, the Ladywood House at Ladywood, Ironbridge, Jackfield, Telford TF8 7JR, and the Travelodge Telford at Unit 4, Park Avenue, Southwater Way, Telford TF3 4BF. You can browse for more locations here.


Telford comes with several restaurants that cater to a variety of tastes. For instance, you can visit the Hop and Vine bar and grill to enjoy a variety of grilled meats and vegetarian meals. Whenever you'd like to make a quick stop for lunch, then try Food O'Clock at Unit 2 Southgate, Telford TF7 4HG. This cafe is only about a 10 minute walk from your training venue and offers several fast food takeaway meals.


SIA Job Opportunities In Telford
Once you've gained your SIA license, there are several job opportunities available within the Telford area. These include getting a position at any of the many clubs, bars and pubs, as well as major shopping malls such as the Telford Shopping mall.

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